Sprinkler system credited with saving classic cars during Ipswich fire

IPSWICH – Fire officials in Ipswich are crediting a business's sprinkler system for saving hundreds of thousands of dollars of classic cars.

On Saturday, flames broke out under the hood of a 1972 Lamborghini inside Clam Town Classics on Old Right Road.

According to the Ipswich Fire Department, the sprinkler system helped contain the fire to the engine compartment. When firefighters arrived, they were able to open the hood and quickly put out the flames.

A 1954 Cadillac that is in mint condition was only a few feet away, but was not damaged thanks to the sprinkler system.

Fire damage can be seen in the background behind a mint 1954 Cadillac. Ipswich Fire Department

"The sprinkler system did just what it's designed to do. Without it, the property loss would have been much more significant," Ipswich Fire Chief Paul Parisi said in a statement.   

Clam Town Classics owner George Delaney said the incident was eye opening for him.

"As a business owner watching the bottom line, I didn't care too much for sprinklers," Delaney said.  "Now I've done a 180.  After seeing the difference they make, I'm a big fan."

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