Teddy Bear Drive in Burlington aims to put comfort in the hands of those that need it most - children

Nonprofit focused on kindness holds annual Teddy Bear drive

BOSTON - A local organization is hoping to spread kindness and love to kids in need.

Helpis, a Massachusetts nonprofit focused on kindness, is holding its fourth Teddy Bear Drive. The goal? To collect 1,100 new teddy bears for children in shelters and hospitals. The teddy bears will also go to children who are facing other hardships.

"As a little kid - when you are experiencing chaos - something that always comforted me, especially at night, was a teddy bear. We really think it's a symbolic gesture to hand out a teddy bear to a kid, to give them love, some hope, and some kindness," said Lorie Glantz, of Helpis.

The organization has collected 450 teddy bears so far and hopes to collect another 650 by the February 10 deadline.

"We use them throughout the entire year," said Emily Trask, of Helpis. "So, we do it for Valentine's Day, but we really use them throughout the entire year."

People can drop new teddy bears at The Little House of Kindness on Cambridge Street in Burlington or donate on the Helpis website.

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