Food Truck Friday: South Shore Taco Guy

HULL -- Taco truck owner Clint Smith serves up fresh ingredients with a side of kindness. He also tries to pay it forward to customers whose shoes he has walked in. 

"It started with a pop-up tent and a grill, doing street tacos in people's backyard and then it just grew from there," said Smith. He's a California Air Force veteran who now serves tacos and Mexican-style food in Massachusetts. 

After just one minute of talking to Clint, you can tell that he is all heart and that he loves seeing the smiles his food gives. 

"I give, not to receive but yet I do receive. So it's great," he said. 

And if you're an active member of the military or a first responder, you eat for free at the South Shore Taco Guy truck

"I'm a veteran of both military and law enforcement. So I wore a uniform of some type or another for 25 years. This is my way of giving back. I know the guys, I know the gals that are out there and I will tell you, a free meal makes it worth it," Smith said.

Clint was also raised by a single mother. For one week each year, single parents eat free too. 

"We notify everyone that we are doing it, and we get a great response. A lot of times you have to draw it out of them if they're a single mom. There's a lot of pride out there," Smith said. 

And finally, maybe you're down on your luck or you just forgot your money. No one leaves hungry. So belly up to the truck because you eat for free. 

"I am paying it forward a little bit at a time but I am hoping it catches on a little bit and that person that might have been struggling but down the road, maybe they pay it on or pass it forward."

South Shore Taco Guy food truck visits the WBZ-TV station
South Shore Taco Guy food truck visits the WBZ-TV station
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