Fitchburg Mom Says Her Son Was Given A Cannabis Edible At School After Similar Report In Norwood

NORWOOD (CBS) -- Another school is looking into reports of students sharing marijuana edibles one day after a Norwood girl was rushed to the emergency room because she ate candy with marijuana in it.

A Fitchburg parent of a Longsjo Middle School seventh-grader told WBZ-TV a similar thing happened to her son.

That mom said a student stole a cannibis edible from her parents and brought it to school, offering it to other students. She allegedly didn't say there was cannabis in it until after the students ate it.

Police said one student went to the school nurse and was later checked out by a doctor and is OK.

The parent said she doesn't blame the school for what happened. "It's really the student. She knowingly gave that to my kid before telling him what it was. And even more of the responsibility should be on that student's parents. How do you so carelessly allow your kid access to drugs?" she said.

Police said the school is handling the incident as a disciplinary matter and said there are no criminal charges at this time.

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