FBI searches Stoneham home tied to sex offender accused of trying to enter school

FBI searches Stoneham home tied to convicted sex offender

STONEHAM - Stoneham police and FBI agents surrounded a house on Hancock Street in Stoneham on Wednesday, executing a search warrant. WBZ viewers had alerted us to the police action.

The FBI said, "The FBI was conducting court authorized activity on Hancock Street in Stoneham earlier today," but did not elaborate.

The feds were being tight-lipped about a court-ordered search at a home on Hancock Street, but their presence was noticed.

Neighbors and property records say the home belongs to the mother of convicted sex offender James McCarty. In March, McCarty was arrested while trying to get into South Elementary School armed with a knife.

FBI agent searches trash can at Stoneham home CBS Boston

"Shocked living right next door to him," said neighbor Zoey Pacious. "Being a teenager myself next to him here, creepy."

Neighbors said the feds were at the home for about six hours.

"It was like 10 a.m., I didn't think anything of it, then I saw police cars come out and saw some FBI agents didn't know what they were looking for, but they were there until 3-4 p.m."

School incident sparked outrage  

At the time, officers say they found the 39-year-old at the school "experiencing a mental health crisis." The incident sparked outrage from parents because school leaders hadn't notified parents for five days.

Investigators say after the school incident, McCarty was sent to a hospital for a mental evaluation. Police say the FBI is also investigating him for another incident out of state.

"Should be safer around here obviously," said neighbor Jeff Ditonno, "But just for everyone to be safe you know."

Now that the feds were at the home, neighbors are wondering what agents found.

"Hopefully he can stay in jail, get some mental help that's what I would want for him, hopefully he can get help, get better," said Pacious.

Stoneham police say they were helping in the FBI operation, and there is no danger to the public.

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