Dreams Are Goals With A Deadline

BOSTON (CBS ) - Well it's that time of year when we want to undo or redo whatever we did last year. Start fresh. Wipe the slate clean.

Almost 90% of us make resolutions according to the Farmer's Almanac but our success rate is only about 20%. It seems we set unrealistic goals without a plan to help us accomplish those goals.

In reviewing the most popular lists I found folks planning to spend less time on Facebook, eating less chocolate and reading more as well as the perennial choices having to do with money, losing weight, and getting fit.

I Googled "New Year's Resolutions" and I was surprised by how much of this year's list looked like last year's list. I have compiled a list of the most popular resolutions and some resources.

We all want to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. So we'll work on these things this week.

Prioritize your goals and put together a plan. What's your deadline? Look for resources to help. Think about using smaller goals to achieve bigger goals. You want to save more. Start with putting away $10 a week towards an emergency fund. You want to lose 25 pounds. Start with a goal of five pounds.

Think about enlisting the help of a friend, your family, an organization like Weight Watchers or AA. You need someone to be accountable to. You will do better if you tell people your resolutions and why they are important to you. You want to lose weight to lower your blood pressure; you want to stop drinking to keep your job; you want to save money to buy a house.

I think the key to being successful is to be realistic. You will not be able to lose 25 pounds by Valentine's Day. But 5 pounds is realistic. Nor can you be out of debt in a month. But in a year or 18 months it is achievable.

One more thing:  Wanting to quit smoking is made easier because the government is making it harder and harder to light up. There is no smoking in public buildings. Many buildings also now have a 50 foot no smoking restriction from the entrance and in the winter when it is cold that is far away. In California if you have a minor in the car you are not supposed to light up.

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