Report: NFL's Troy Vincent Asks To Meet With Patriots' Jastremski, McNally

NEW YORK (CBS) -- A federal judge may have freed Tom Brady to play, but it doesn't appear the NFL is through with the Patriots yet over DeflateGate.'s Ian Rapoport reported Sunday that Troy Vincent, the league's executive vice president of football operations, has made a formal request to meet with Patriots equipment staffers John Jastremski and Jim McNally.

Both have been suspended since the release of the Wells Report and the Patriots reportedly requested that they be reinstated last week.

RELATED: Vincent Doesn't Say Much About DeflateGate In Twitter Chat

Rapoport says a face-to-face meeting would not re-open the investigation into deflated footballs, but Jastremski and McNally could be disciplined further.

The Wells Report pointed to texts between Jastremski and McNally as evidence that Brady was "generally aware" that footballs were being deflated after the league's pregame inspection. McNally calls himself "the deflator" in one message, but neither ever testified under oath.

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