#ThumbsUpForDec: Waltham rallies around 3-year-old Declan after brain cancer surgery

Waltham rallies around 3-year-old Declan after brain cancer surgery

WALTHAM - At a high school football game in Waltham, the crowd cheered on their team, while rooting for a member of our WBZ team.

Recently, WBZ Meteorologist Sarah Wroblewski and her husband Bobby learned their 3-year-old Declan had a brain tumor.

Bobby is a principal at Waltham High and the highlight of Thursday night's game was a show of support for little Declan.

The Waltham Hawks always sport red and white, but on Thursday night, they were decked out in gold and yellow to show the special little boy that he's not fighting for his life alone.

Waltham High School students wear yellow and gold in support of 3-year-old Declan and to raise awareness for childhood cancer. CBS Boston

"You get the worst news of your life and then you have a whole community rally around to support you has been unbelievable," said Bobby Lyons.

Declan's parents mean a lot to the community, that's why the first Hawks game on their new turf is dedicated to Declan.

The yellow student section, yellow hair ribbons, yellow headbands and even yellow wrist guards were worn to represent childhood cancer.

"Some things are bigger than football, some things are bigger than school colors," said student Danielle Ananian. "Dr. Lyons is a part of our community so that means Declan is a part of our community and in Waltham we support everyone, and no one fights alone."

Sarah, Declan and Bobby CBS Boston

"Dr. Lyons is an amazing person, he's an amazing father, he's amazing at the school he does a lot," said student Gianna Morpeau.

Two weeks ago, the family's life was turned upside down when doctors discovered a golf ball sized tumor in the back of Declan's brain.

Little Dec just took his first steps after surgery, but he still has a long road ahead, meaning months in the hospital away from his family, siblings, and twin brother JB.

We talked to Sarah who hasn't left her sweet boy's side.

"Overwhelmed, feeling grateful. Feeling a little scared," said Sarah Wroblewski. "The support from the friends and family and community has obviously overwhelming but you know we're going into something we never thought would happen."

While the family goes through the unknown, they are thankful for the love pouring in from the community, the Bruins and even the New England Revs joining the #ThumbsUpForDec movement.

Sarah Wroblewski's son Declan was underwent surgery for a rare childhood cancer CBS Boston

As the community is rallying around Declan, his parents hope his fight helps to raise awareness about pediatric cancer and other young children through their battles too.

"There are so many kids out there and I just want everybody to realize that and if people can donate and contribute to Dana Farber Institute," Sarah said.

A community realizing the battle ahead and coming together to cheer on one special boy in their heart.

"He's just a tough little kid who's going to have to fight and persevere and we're going to be with him every step of the way," said Lyons.

The community has started a GoFundMe fundraiser to help the family. If you would like to follow Declan's journey, the family is posting updates regularly to this online journal.

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