Chicopee Home Depot, Walmart Close Off Non-Essential Aisles To Prevent 'Unnecessary Roaming'

CHICOPEE (CBS) – Several stores in Chicopee are blocking non-essential aisles and items in order to cut down on "unnecessary roaming" during coronavirus.

Police posted that Walmart, Home Depot and BJ's Wholesale worked with the Chicopee Board of Health to make the changes, aimed to "reduce unnecessary roaming around aisles and putting others at risk." The Chicopee store became the first BJ's club in the country to take such measures.

Chicopee Walmart
Chicopee Walmart marked off aisles deemed non-essential. (Image Credit: Chicopee Police)

Currently, only 200 people are allowed into stores at one time. Social distance measures are in place as well.

Home Depot donated protective gloves to the police department, while BJ's donated Lysol wipes for patrol cars.

"We are blessed to have such a great community that works together to stop this spread," Chicopee Police spokesman Michael Wilk posted.

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