Baker Defends State's Coronavirus Response Amid Chelsea Outbreak

CHELSEA (CBS) – Gov. Charlie Baker responded on Wednesday after some community leaders in Chelsea criticized the state for not acting faster to slow a coronavirus outbreak in the city. The Massachusetts governor said they are in contact with Chelsea leaders daily and "when they ask us for stuff, we respond."

On Wednesday, the state released a full town-by-down breakdown of coronavirus cases for the first time. Chelsea has the highest rate of cases per 100,000 people at 1,890.37. In total, 712 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Chelsea.

Baker was asked at his Thursday press conference if the state should have stepped in sooner.

"We've been in contact with the leadership in the city of Chelsea almost every day for the past month. And when they ask us for stuff, we respond," he said. "The work we did to establish several isolation sites to deal with both COVID positive, homeless, and unsheltered individuals, as well as the work we did to establish isolation sites for family members who aren't in housing that makes it possible for them to isolate; the work that we did with the expansion in food delivery; and the testing expansion. We all responded to that within 24 hours of being asked by the city, and we've been in constant contact with city officials."

According to Baker, the state offered additional resources to Chelsea, but the city declined.

"There's a number of things we offered to the city of Chelsea, they said no to. And we try to be respectful of what locals, the folks who are on the ground who know their communities best, believe are the most important things for us to do," he said. "Generally speaking, if we offer stuff up to a community and they say they don't want it, we are not going to give it to them."

The governor added "If Chelsea needs more help, all you got to do is ask."

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