2 Massachusetts landmarks named to list of "11 Most Endangered Historic Places"

2 Concord landmarks at risk of being affected by Hanscom Airport expansion
2 Concord landmarks at risk of being affected by Hanscom Airport expansion

CONCORD - The National Trust for Historic Preservation is out with its annual list of most endangered places, and unfortunately one of Massachusetts' national parks and a nearby landmark made the list - Minuteman National Park and Walden Pond.

Landmarks could be affected by proposed airport expansion

The National Trust for Historic Preservation gathered supporters outside of Old Manse, one of the many historic locations in Concord that may be affected by a proposed expansion of Hanscom Field Airport. Speaker after speaker stood at the podium to express love for the park, its natural beauty, and their desire to keep this area unchanged.

State Rep. Simon Cataldo said increased jet traffic could disrupt the experience of Minuteman's 1 million annual visitors but also those who live under the flight path into Hanscom.

"Private jet travel, in particular, is incredibly unequal in the amount of carbon emissions that are being produced right now," said Cataldo.

Singer and actress Ashley Judd speaks in favor of caring for Minuteman Park and Walden Pond. CBS Boston

Singer and actress Ashley Judd also showed up to extend what she called her "steadfast support." In fact, Judd joked that, "A lot of people in power don't like me...but that's OK. Just ask Harvey [Weinstein]." Judd also said that she has flown private jets before, but "that was in the past. My values today have changed because I know better."

Arrests during airport expansion protest

The gathering came on the heels of another protest staged at Hanscom Field a few weeks ago. Protestors breached security and set up on the tarmac, temporarily closing down air traffic. That protest led to 20 arrests by the Massachusetts State Police.

The proposed airport expansion includes 17 new aircraft hangars. That's a 300% increase to the amount of space currently available for jets. Opponents that WBZ TV spoke to said there may be some room for a compromise.

Massport spokesperson Jennifer Mehigan sent a statement to WBZ TV, saying "Massport recognizes the historical significance of the Minute Man National Historic Park and we work closely with all our neighboring communities to reduce our operational impact. The proposed project addresses the need for more hangar space and is not projected to increase airport operations. North Airfield Ventures (NAV)'s proposal includes numerous sustainability features such as LEED Gold, or better, certified design; a high target for energy efficiency and net zero energy; photovoltaic solar roof panel systems; rooftop and pavement materials that reduce urban heat; and, resiliency measures to protect the site and adjacent parcels from potential future flooding. This project is currently being reviewed by MEPA as part of the state's regulatory process. We encourage the community to participate in the ongoing process."

Public comment is still open until mid-June.

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