Commuter Rail Train Strikes Tractor-Trailer In Braintree

BRAINTREE (CBS) -- A Boston-bound commuter rail train struck a tractor-trailer in Braintree on Wednesday morning.

The train hit the truck on Grove Street, and the tractor-trailer driver jumped out before he was struck by the train.

"Explosion, boom, it happened so fast," the truck driver named Herman said.

Herman did not want to give his last name, but the trucker from Michigan was clearly rattled as he described his narrow escape from a northbound commuter train.

"It happened very quickly, you don't expect something like this to happen," Herman said. "You make your delivery, you pull out and then you get stuck in the snow and ice."

Herman jumped out of the truck after a passerby alerted him to the oncoming train.

"I jumped and felt the swish go by," Herman said. "I heard the impact and by the time I looked, the truck was flying that way and the train was down the tracks."

One passenger reported back pain and was taken to a local hospital, an MBTA spokesman said. About 60 passengers were on the train at the time.

MBTA Transit Police are investigating.

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