Cab Driver Describes Being Attacked By 2 Men In Chelsea

CHELSEA (CBS) - Police in Chelsea are looking for two suspects accused of violently attacking a cab driver Thursday night. That driver, named Francisco, told WBZ he started to have a bad feeling after picking the two men up in the city's Bellingham Square. Once driving, they kept changing their destination.

"You never know … but I had a feeling something was going to happen," he said.

The passengers eventually settled on Essex Street, but just as Francisco was about to pull over, one of the men held a gun to his head.

"He held (the gun) really tight and he said give me all your money. He whacked me like five times quickly and really hard on this side (of my head)."

Francisco jumped out of the taxi van before it crashed into a parked truck. That's when the two suspects got away -- leaving the gun inside the vehicle.

Francisco was attacked while driving a cab in Chelsea (WBZ-TV)

"I'm concerned about them too because they're young kids. Something is wrong over there with them. They're too young. It's a different generation than when I grew up," the driver said.

The two suspects ran off with his phone, but no money. Francisco has been violently robbed before.

"This is like the fourth time. One time they put a knife and got all the money. I had no chance," he said.

It's made him vigilant when picking up passengers.

"I'm not really afraid. I think it just happens once in a while. I don't think I'm unlucky. It just could happen to anybody. I'm not afraid, just more awake," Francisco said.

Francisco was taken to the hospital where he needed two staples in his head. He described those suspects to police as teenagers; adding that the one with the gun spoke Spanish and the young man was black.

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