Police seek suspects who attacked elderly man after minor car accident in Brockton

Police seek suspects who attacked elderly man in Brockton

BROCKTON - Stephanie Cardoso says her family is traumatized. Her father 69-year-old Carlos Cardoso and his friend were viciously attacked in Brockton last month after a minor car accident turned violent.

"He still has no feelings on the right side of his body and he's not able to speak," Stephanie Cardoso said.

Brockton Police released video hoping someone will come forward to help identify the suspects.  

"It's a really tragic story," said Brockton Police spokesperson Darren Duarte.

"You see two people being attacked," Duarte said. "One, an elderly man being attacked by someone, and the other person with him is being attacked by more than one person."

The attack happened on Walnut Street in Brockton around 8 o'clock at night. Stephanie says her father, his wife and their friend Mario Barros were on their way home from running errands. When the two cars passed each other, they heard a boom. But when they inspected the cars, they saw no damage.

"The other party had hit a parked car," Stephanie said. "She picked up the rearview mirror and she started asking my dad, 'does this belong to you, does this belong to you.' My dad answered no and she's like OK then mind your business and then she shoved my father, causing his glasses to fall."

Stephanie says that's when her dad drove away but then returned to the scene two minutes later to pick up his glasses. That's when the attack happened.

Stephanie says the injuries her dad received caused a stroke. "He's suffered from internal bleeding, and he has a swelling in the same area," Stephanie said.

Mario Barros, the family friend, also suffered a broken jaw but has been released from the hospital.

Carlos Cardoso is a well-respected businessman in Brockton and owns Cardoso Café.

"He's a hard-working guy who cares for people and this is terrible this had to happen to him," Stephanie said.

The family hopes the video will prompt someone to help identify the suspects so they can be held accountable. Anyone with information is asked to contact Brockton Police. 

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