Boston Driver Says He Was 'Terrorized' By 20 To 30 Teens On Bicycles

BOSTON (CBS) -- A Boston man claims his car was surrounded by 20 to 30 teens on bicycles on Saturday and they allegedly hit and spit on his vehicle.

"They just all started to surround my car and pretty much terrorized me," said the man, who wished to remain anonymous.

The man said the incident began in Allston when he claims teens driving bikes ran into his car, unprovoked.

"I was at a red light and a few of the kids hit my car and I saw a little dent in it, I was upset," he said.

He said he drove away from that area but coincidentally ran into the bikers again about 15 minutes later in the area of Massachusetts Avenue and Tremont Street in Roxbury. That is where the man claims the violence escalated.

"I had to lock the doors while they were just banging on my vehicle, trying to smash my windshield, trying to break my headlights," he said.

Cell phone video of the incident, shared with WBZ by the driver, shows roughly 20 bikes around the car. One teen knocks on the hood of the car with his hands. Another can be seen touching a rearview mirror. The driver's girlfriend can be heard telling the driver to honk his horn and call the police.

According to the police report, the victim "stated that the suspects took off down Mass Ave. in the direction of Boston Medical Center on bikes."

The report goes on to state that police searched the area for suspects "to no avail."

Police are now investigating the incident.

The driver said he hopes there is a lesson in this experience.

"We should all have a certain level of respect for each other and I think that's basically the main message I'm trying to get across," he said.

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