BC Students On Alert After Man Caught Peeping Into Dorm Window

BOSTON (CBS) - Students at Boston College were told to be on the lookout after a man was spotted peeping into windows of a dorm room. Investigators say they received a report of a suspicious man peering into Kostka Hall.

"We got a text from our RA saying close your doors, shut the windows, close the blinds," said freshman Lexi McNeil.

That initially triggered somewhat of a panic and a creepy fear that is likely to stick around awhile.

Kostka Hall at Boston College (WBZ-TV)

It was Sunday night when an RA at the dorm of roughly 160 freshman girls warned them that a man was outside prowling around and peering in first floor windows.

"Definitely creepy for the area we're in," a female student said.

The man was white, in his late 20's or early 30's with a red beard and goatee. He was recorded by surveillance cameras which the RA has shown to some students.

"He looked really like scatterbrained and out of it," Lexi McNeil said.

Boston College campus (WBZ-TV)

He was long gone by the time BC Police arrived, but they have stepped up patrols around the school's upper campus and are urging students to stay alert and trust their instincts.

"The past three nights I've decided not to stay in the library too late, just to be cautious when I'm walking back," a female student said.

But perhaps what students find most disturbing about the man wearing a white sweatshirt and red baseball hat is that he was taking pictures of his victims through the window.

For the time being, police are urging all girls on campus to lock their windows and keep the blinds closed.

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