"I'll always be a Patriot": What Bill Belichick said in his final press conference for New England

Bill Belichick addresses media after mutually parting ways with the New England Patriots

FOXBORO -- Bill Belichick took the podium inside Gillette Stadium on Thursday afternoon, but for the first time in 24 years, he did not do so as the head coach of the New England Patriots.

In a prepared statement and with owner Robert Kraft standing next to him, Belichick announced that he and Kraft had mutually agreed to part ways after 24 seasons together. Belichick did not take questions from the assembled media, but he delivered a heartfelt farewell -- and thank you -- to the Patriots organization, the many people he has worked with over the years, and the fans of the franchise.

And it all started with Belichick cracking a smile and a joke.

"Morning. I haven't seen this many cameras since we signed [Tim] Tebow," he said with a smirk.

"Robert and I, after a series of discussions, have mutually agreed to part ways," Belichick continued. "For me, this is a day of gratitude and celebration. I'll start with Robert and his family. I have so much thanks for the opportunity to be a head coach here for 24 years. Such an amazing opportunity and I received tremendous support. We had a vision of building a winner, building a championship football team here, and it exceeded my wildest dreams and expectations. The amount of success we were able to achieve together through a lot of hard work and the contributions of many people, I'm very proud of that and will always have those great memories. I'll carry those with me my whole life."

Belichick then took several minutes to thank everyone involved with the New England organization during his tenure. He started with those who were on his coaching staff and also made sure to mention the many, many staffers around Gillette Stadium. They all played a part in New England's unprecedented success, and they received recognition on Thursday. 

"After Robert, thanks to all the assistant coaches. I've had so many great coaches here. They've made my job so much easier. It's a long list, but the amount of work, preparation, and diligence they do -- and I say this about players and coaches, no matter how long they were here. It was a great team effort and everyone put everything they had into it. And that's why we were so successful," said Belichick.

"For the coaches, the support staff, and it's an amazing staff here that has supported me in every way. All the scouting, the football support people from equipment, training, security, video operations, the dining room -- it's all first class and extremely good," he said. "Special thanks to [director of football] Berg [Najarian] and [director of scouting administration] Nancy [Meier], they've been here since Day 1 and have made my life a lot easier. Or I've made theirs' a lot hard, however you want to look at it. A big shoutout to them."

But those six Super Bowl victories would have never happened without everyone who put on a Patriots uniform during Belichick's run. Throughout his career, Belichick has always said it was his players who made the team successful.

"Of course, a great deal of thanks and appreciation to the players. Players win games in the NFL and I've been very, very fortunate to coach some of the greatest players that have ever played [in the NFL], some of the greatest players that have ever played for the Patriots.," he said. "Some of them are already in the Hall of Fame, and many more are going. But regardless on how long the players were or weren't here, what their role was, how many games they played or even if they didn't win championships, I respect the way the players came here and did business. I've coached well over 1,000 and their ability to work, prepare, train in the weight room, train their bodies, meet, rehearse over and over again what we need to do things right to be successful to win, I have so much respect for all the players.

"We've had many that have been here a long time and had great contributions. Too many to name at the time, but a great thanks to the players," said Belichick.

He even had time to thank the media, which he hasn't always had a rosy relationship with.

"To the media, you guys, I don't know if anybody has gotten more coverage than I have or we have over the last 24 years. A lot of respect for what you guys do. You are our voice to the fans," he said. "Even though we don't see eye-to-eye all the time -- most of the time, not all the time -- I do respect what you do."

It was when he started to talk about the New England fans and all the support he's received from the Patriots' faithful followers that Belichick began to choke up a bit.

"The fans here are amazing. So many memories of the fans. The sendoffs, the parades, the Sundays. Whatever the situations are, the letters of support, seeing the fans away from here at a gas station or grocery store or wherever you bump into them. The Patriots fans here, and not just in New England but nationally and internationally as I've traveled. It's amazing how far the arm reaches, as we saw this year in Germany. I'm so appreciative to the fans for all the support they've given me, my family, and this football team," said Belichick.

"There are so many fond memories and thoughts that I think about the Patriots. I'll always be a Patriot," Belichick said. "I look forward to coming back here. But at this time we're going to move on. I look forward and am excited for the future, but I'll always be appreciative of the opportunity here, the support here, and of Robert and what you've done for me."

With that, Belichick received a hug from Kraft. While he will be moving on to another coaching opportunity as he looks to break Don Shula's win record, Belichick made it clear that he will always be a member of the New England Patriots at heart.

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