Bike With Sentimental Value Stolen From PMC Rider On Cape Cod

BOSTON (CBS) - "Once you're on the bike, you think of all the people with cancer," says Rick Powers.

Six years ago, Powers started riding in the Pan Mass Challenge to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

But five years ago, the ride became personal for Powers, when his father was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Every year since, Powers has kept a picture of his dad on his bike, as he makes the grueling ride to Provincetown. Only now, his bike has been stolen, just days before the ride. And that bike was special.

"That bike means a lot to me," Powers says. "When I'm on it, it's just me and him. And when I'm hurting, I think of him, and all he's been going through."

Rick has searched online, and checked with bike shops on the Cape, where it was stolen from his Dennis home. "I could buy another bike," he says, "but that one represents my father. It's the one I've ridden for him for five years."

Powers is hoping that whoever stole it, just drops it off at his house. "No questions asked," he says.

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