8 Awful Parting Gifts That Teams Gave Derek Jeter

BOSTON (CBS) - When Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter announced prior to the start of the 2014 season that it would be his last, we knew the farewell tour would be long, drawn out, and at times insufferable.

But even the nauseating media coverage couldn't match the awfulness of some of the gifts the Captain received on his way out.

All season long, teams paid their Re2pect to Jeter by showering him with impractical crap he'll likely never use or wear, but did so anyways because why not? Everyone else is doing it!

That's not to say Jeets isn't worthy of the farewell presents, because quite frankly he's earned it. First ballot Hall of Famer, no doubt. But some of these gifts are real head scratchers.

Here are 8 Awful Parting Gifts That Teams Gave Derek Jeter:


Through salary and endorsements, it's estimated that Derek Jeter has earned $400 million in his baseball career. He can afford the finest luxuries, probably even the world's biggest yacht.

I have a hard time believing he'll get much use out of this kayak, a pinstriped one no less. Jeter loves to keep a low profile, and it's hard to do that with a pinstriped Yankees kayak.


That's sooooo California of the Angels to give Jeter a paddleboard! Really thinking outside the box for that one.

Cowboy Boots

When the Houston Astros gave Jeter cowboy boots back in April we all thought it was kind of hokey, but hey, it's Texas. It's fitting. The Texas Rangers, lacking any semblance of originality, gifted Jeter the same thing not even three months later.

Everything is bigger in Texas, except imagination I guess.

LL Bean Winter Boots

Derek Jeter will probably do a lot of traveling around the world now that he's retired, but probably nowhere even close to needing winter boots. You don't need to shovel snow in Tampa, or on some exotic island.

Plus, as we've already covered, he's got plenty of boots already.

Stan Musial Cuff Links

No explanation needed here. Pat McGonigle of KSDK tweeted it best.


Cue the "Derek Jeter has crabs!" jokes.


I'm guessing Derek Jeter has never picked up a guitar before. Just a guess.

Lego Portrait

Just what Jeter always asked for but could never get. LEGOs!


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