3 People Rescued From Burning Home In Quincy

QUINCY (CBS) -- Three people, including a young boy, were rescued from a burning home in Quincy on Tuesday afternoon.

At least one neighbor of the Norfolk Street home tried banging on the door as flames grew but they said the residents inside were too scared to come out.

"We looked over and within a minute the whole front porch was completely a flame. The flames were reaching over the roof coming through the roof," said neighbor Charlie Doherty.

But thanks to a Quincy police officer and two Brewster paramedics, the woman in her 50's, man in his 70's, and eight-year-old boy inside were not seriously injured.

"I arrived on scene and one of the neighbors said there was children trapped inside," recalled Officer Dan Parisi. "As we pulled the child out, the two paramedics behind me pulled another gentleman out and I carried another woman out."

Neighbors watched the dramatic scene play out.

"The cop ran up the street and in that house, he went in to get them out because he was told there was someone in there and they wouldn't come out," said Doherty.

Kevin Owens, another neighbor called one man courageous for going back in the house after his first rescue.

"He was risking his own life. The fire was really going then," Owens said.

Residents were being assisted by the Red Cross Tuesday night.

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