Where's Marty? At Camp Small in North Baltimore

Where's Marty? At Camp Small in North Baltimore

Hi Everyone!

When a tree that belongs to the city of Baltimore falls or is cut down, it is taken to Camp Small. 

And what is "Camp Small?" Glad you asked.

Camp Small is an area just off of the Cold Spring Lane exit of the JFX Southbound. 

I am sure you have noticed piles of pieces of large trees looking to your right or left as you pass by that exit. they are hard to miss.

The name Camp Small is a tip of the hat to when during the Civil War, the Union Army had a base right there along the train line which is now Light Rail. 

It was an ammunition storage facility. 

These days boards cut from fallen city trees, and dried in an onsite kiln are what is shipped out to private woodworkers, or other city agencies. (Like schools ad park wood needs.) 

This is a win win for the city because it costs money to remove and transport a tree. And if it can be sold, (last year Camp Small made $150,000 by selling the boards), or repurposed as in park benches or playground items money is made and or saved. 

Where's Marty? Checking out Camp Small's zero-waste initiative

By visiting the web site you can find out how the general public can come by and get firewood, and wood in general. 

That site is https://www.treebaltimore.org/ . 

Even if you do not need any wood, go to the site to find out more about their ecological work, programs, and events. Great folks to be with today. 

And what a great job the City Arborist, those running Rec and Parks, and the small staff at Camp Small do!

The next time you drive by the Cold Spring Lane exit look over and see for yourself. Who knew what all that piled up wood was about!

Where's Marty? Checking out Camp Small's zero-waste initiative

Marty B

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