Where's Marty? With Real Fan Dan getting pumped up for the Ravens playoff game

Where's Marty? With Real Fan Dan getting pumped up for the Ravens playoff game
Where's Marty? With Real Fan Dan getting pumped up for the Ravens playoff game

Hi Everyone!

Our "Purple Friday" "Where's Marty?" kicked off WJZ's coverage of the Ravens in the NFL playoffs. 

And who better to have as a guest than "Real Fan Dan!" Granofsky.


That is Dan and his wife Robin, who along with a dozen members of Ravens Roost #18-Pasadena, joined us to make some noise.

And make noise is what Dan does best. 

Actually it is the 71,000 folks attending Ravens games that make the noise. 

It is Dan who leads the cheer "R-A-V-E-N-S" by spelling out the word with his body. And at times to urge the crowd on to make more noise, off comes his hat and jersey.

Where's Marty? Showing some Ravens pride before the playoff game

People spelling out our sports teams names, at games  is not new. 

Len Burrier, "The Big Wheel", used to spell out C-O-L-T-S at Memorial Stadium. "Wild Bill" Hagy used to spell out O-R-I-O-L-E-S over on 33rd street too. 

So "Real Fan Dan" is just carrying on a Baltimore sports tradition. 

He started when the Ravens came on the scene in Baltimore. But in 2014 when the Ravens put him on the giant video boards doing his cheer, "RFD" became a staple at the games.

Dan spent 41 years with the Maryland National Guard as a serviceman and then civilian contractor. Dan has a serious, and giving back side. 

But then.....HERE IT COMES!! And make no mistake this cheer, and show, is not alcohol fueled. Not hardly. He is just carrying on a tradition his way. And we are better for it. Check out the video's. 

Where's Marty? Gearing up for the Ravens playoff game

I promise you will, in your mind, cheer along!

Marty B!

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