Waterfront Partnership to host public forum on future of Inner Harbor's Rash Field Park

BALTIMORE -- The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore is looking for public input on phase 2 of the Inner Harbor's newly-renovated Rash Field Park. 

The organization is hosting a meeting and ice cream social next Wednesday evening at the park, where planners will present design ideas and concepts for Rash Field and ask for insight on what to add to the park. Taharka Brothers will be providing free ice cream. 

After a years-long, $16.8 million effort to breathe new life into the waterfront park, the six-acre space reopened last year with an adventure park and nature park for children, a newly installed skate park and a shaded lawn where people can sit and enjoy views of the city's skyline.

The forum will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on July 27 and is free to attend. Registration is encouraged, but not required. 

Find more information about Rash Field Park here

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