Trial Begins For Former Ravens DT In Animal Abuse Case

BALTIMORE (WJZ)--A former Ravens player started his trial today for animal cruelty charges.

Terrence Cody and his girlfriend are accused of terribly neglecting their dog ultimately causing its death.

WJZ's Tracey Leong has the latest.

The night former Ravens player Terrence Cody brought his dog to the emergency room it was barely breathing.

WJZ obtaining photos of his dog "Taz" the day he died, but images--which were too graphic to share--show the dog starved, teeth worn down, unable to even move.

"It was clear that this dog had been very badly neglected for a long period of time," said Martha Smith Blackmore.

Expert witness forensic veterinarian Martha Smith Blackmore says Cody's dog suffered in the days leading up to his death, possibly starved 4 to 6 weeks.

Here are photos of Cody's dog, a Presa Canario, which typically weigh around 100 pounds, but the night he died weighing roughly 50 pounds.

Prosecutors allege Cody intentionally tortured the dog.

The graphic photos show Taz's cage living in filth, covered in urine, feces and vomit.

Cody's lawyers argue is was neglect that led to Taz's death, but their client had no intention of abusing him and has been distraught since losing his beloved dog Taz.

The trial will be continued tomorrow. Terrence Cody and his girlfriend both face up to four years in prison if convicted.

Terrence also faces charges for possessing marijuana and illegally owning an alligator.

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