The Associated: Jewish Federation Of Baltimore Raises Money For Ukraine

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore's Ukraine Emergency Fund has already raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, organizers say.

Jessica Gorsky Halle of Owings Mills is helping with The Associated fundraising efforts.

"It gives you a sense that you're able to help when you otherwise can't be there," Gorsky Halle said. "We're all feeling this sense of tragedy of what's going on in the sense of heartbreak, stress, and anxiety."

Gorsky Halle's parents emigrated from Ukraine to the United States in 1979. She still has many cousins in Ukraine.

"We do have family there directly on the front lines," Gorsky Halle said. "That's the hard part. Waiting."

The Associated has a 30-year relationship with Jewish groups in Odessa, Ukraine, which is also the "Sister City" to Baltimore.

"We have a footprint there. We have a connection there. We've been funding humanitarian efforts in Odessa for the Jewish community for decades," Gorsky Halle said.

Funds raised for the Ukraine Emergency Fund will be used to provide food, medicine, essential supplies, relocation assistance, and humanitarian aid.

To donate, go to

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