Rockville teen denied bond, Planned to commit school shooting

Rockville teen denied bond, Planned to commit school shooting

BALTIMORE -- An 18-year-old Montgomery County teen was denied bond at a court hearing today, after he was charged with what police describe as plans to commit a school shooting at a high school. 

Police say the potential tragedy was avoided because someone spoke up. 

A friend of the 18-year-old suspect was given access to a 129-page novel that detailed his plan to carry out what authorities describe as mass violence at Wootton High School, but it was the specific details of that plan that has the suspect facing up to ten years in prison. 

"While this incident was thwarted, it serves as a reminder that we should remain vigilant and proactive in preventing acts of violence," Chief Marcus Jones, Montgomery County Police, said. 

That vigilance is what prompted a phone call to Baltimore County Police, by a friend of 18-year-old suspect, Alex Ye. Court documents reveal the meticulous plan he had to shoot up Wootton High School in Rockville, which prompted a visit to his home by the FBI. 

During a press conference Chief Marcus Jones said he, "Spoke to the father of Ye and was denied entry and not allowed to search the residence or interview the subject."    

Shortly after that visit to his home, police say the suspect google searched gun ranges near him as well as AR-15's. After getting a search warrant, authorities combed through the suspect's google account, cell phone, iPad, and computer. It was there they found the 129-page book he wrote describing his plan. 

"Ye talks about targeting his former elementary school because little kids make easier targets. He strategized on how to access the easiest classrooms in his high school and how he would be able to sneak a gun into the school," Chief Jones said. 

Police also uncovered a troubling search history on the social media app, Discord, and Google. Before his arrest Ye was hospitalized and counselors made disturbing observations of Ye's fixation on school shootings which they reported to authorities. 

"Even after being removed from the school, Ye said he could do something at graduation because he lived close to the school," Jones said. 

But thanks to that friend and collaboration from different levels of law enforcement, another shooting tragedy was avoided, which the Montgomery County Executive says is an example of why speaking up is important as well as tough gun laws here in Maryland. 

"You know people always like to think about what difference does it make, this could very well be a case where the difficulty to get guns prevented him from getting a gun when he wanted it and possibly prevented him from acting when he preferred to act." Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive, said. 

The suspect was denied bond Friday and will remain in jail until his next court hearing. He faces up to ten years in prison if convicted. 

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