Rob Long: Huddle Up

Ray Rice's name has been in the news constantly since the video of the unfortunate incident that occurred in Atlantic City between he and his fiance was made public. Rice's contract has since been terminated by the Baltimore Ravens and the National Football League has suspended him indefinitely.

While NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's reaction to the release of the video Monday was quick, organizations such as N.O.W. (National Organization of Women) is wondering why Goodell hasn't responded to other situations as quickly.

For instance, after Goodell announced his new domestic violence policy, he said Ray McDonald of the San Francisco 49ers, who is facing a felony domestic violence charge, could play in the team's opener this past Sunday.

Greg Hardy missed the Carolina Panthers' practice on Wednesday for what Head Coach Ron Rivera called a "personal day" but was allowed to play after being convicted in July of choking his former girlfriend and threatening to kill her.

In addition to all of that, Goodell has been slow to respond to accusations that Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones sexually assaulted a woman.

N.O.W. is asking for Roger Goodell's resignation saying the NFL has "lost its way". While people like Vinny Cerrato, co-host of the Vinny and Rob Show with me, believe Goodell means to much financially to the lead and because of that the 32 owners would never ask him to step down. I look at it the other way.

N.O.W. knows how to have their voice heard. They are one of the best and largest women's rights groups in the country and the attention that they can bring to this situation could cause such an uproar that the owners would not have a choice. Remember, just like I said with the Ray Rice termination on the Vinny and Rob Show, follow the money. If the negative attention causes sponsors to back out, Roger Goodell is as good as gone and you can bet on that.

What Goodell and his people need to do now is huddle up and get their business together. It is hard for me to believe that no decision maker at least knew what was on that video. Okay, maybe Goodell did not actually see it but if he knew the graphic details of what took place on that elevator, that is going to be an issue. He will have to answer to that and the questions aren't going to be easy and they should not be easy.

Ray Rice has paid dearly for what took place in February. He probably went to bed Sunday thinking he only had one more week to go before he could return to do what he loves so much. Monday morning changed all of that.

Well, it looks like N.O.W. and maybe others are on a mission to make sure Rice isn't the only one who pays loses their job. Roger Goodell is the target and there is probably a growing number of people who are not against that one bit. I don't see this going away anytime soon.


Now that the National Football League has done what I suggested earlier (not because I suggested it of course) and huddled up, there's no doubt there will be blood.

Now that the NFL has hired Ex-FBI director Robert Mueller to investigate the Ray Rice situation, expect someone to take the fall for what's going on. What did the NFL know? That will hopefully be uncovered as a result of the investigation. Let's just hope the investigation is clear and unbiased because that's what the common fans are demanding. As I've co-hosted the Vinny and Rob Show this week, it's apparent that Roger Goodell and even the Baltimore Ravens are losing the trust of some of the fans that support the league and the Ravens.

Fans know that Ray Rice was wrong, that's not what they are protesting. The fans are protesting the fact that there was no new evidence on that video yet Rice is gone from the team. That was explained to me by a couple of fans yesterday after the show.

This is a delicate situation indeed. One wrong move and high ranking people could lose their jobs. Yes, that includes Roger Goodell. The Ravens aren't innocent in any of this either. Did anyone in the Ravens organization see the video? If so, who? Good luck Robert Mueller, your job will not be easy.


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