Powerball Frenzy: Customers Eyeing Up $500M Jackpot

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—The Powerball frenzy is on after the jackpot soars to $500 million ahead of Wednesday night's drawling.

WJZ's Ava-joye Burnett has more on the excitement.

The lunchtime rush at local convenience stores had some competition today from lottery tickets!

A lot of people are coming in to get a Powerball ticket and with good reason. This Powerball is the sixth largest jackpot ever in North America.

"I mean, $450 million, a half a billion dollars almost, that's a lot of money," said Zelda Tally.

The Powerball has powered through the half a billion dollar mark before, the last time was February at $564-million.

It's enough motivation to persuade folks who weren't even thinking about buying a ticket.

"500 million? I don't know, I don't know. I would make a lot of people happy with $500 million," said Marty Farmer.

As retailers brace for the last minute rush, buyers are planning for their potential windfall.

Tally says once she comes down from the shock, "she's outta here."

The last time someone picked those lucky numbers was last year in November, which is why the Powerball is now through the roof.

What are your chances of winning the big jackpot? 1 in 292-million!

Those wishing to purchase a ticket have until 9:59 p.m. tonight to do so.

The largest three Powerball jackpots ever are:

$564.1 million - February 2015

$590.5 million - February 2013

$587.5 million - November 2012

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