Poly Tech, Western Students 'Sit-in' To Protest Ferguson Decision

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Unrest continues in Ferguson. Dozens of people were arrested Tuesday night after protests broke out again. That said, Tuesday night was much calmer than Monday night, after the decision was announced that Officer Darren Wilson will not faces charges in the death of Michael Brown.

The protests continue in Baltimore City as a result of the decision by a grand jury in Ferguson not to indict an officer who shot and killed an 18-year-old. The protests have left the streets and are now in the classrooms. Wednesday, schools in Baltimore City held assemblies to allow their students to raise their concerns over police brutality and injustice.

Rochelle Ritchie reports schools in Baltimore City held assemblies Wednesday allowing students to raise concerns over police brutality and injustice.

From Poly Technical High School to Western, students armed with signs gathered in their cafeteria or assembly halls to express their disagreement with the decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown.

"I just think that it's unfair, you know what I'm saying?" said one student.

The students join the thousands across the nation who have come out in droves to demand justice and an end to what they believe is an epidemic of police brutality across the nation.

"I feel like they shouldn't use excessive force if it's not needed. They should at least give them a chance to surrender before they fire," said Breahna Brahem.

Students at Poly and Western are inspired by the peaceful demonstrations in which students from Morgan State University marched all the way from their campus to the Inner Harbor, joining a number of other protests from City Hall.

Wilson shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown in August. For more than 100 days, the nation waited for a grand jury decision on whether or not the officer would be charged. He walked away with no punishment.

The demonstrations in Baltimore stopped traffic all over the city, including the JFX, but Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was pleased with the peace protesters maintained.

"Yes, it was frustrating. Yes, it was inconvenient but people remained safe," she said.

Students say they hope the movement for justice will continue. Despite the distraction of the holidays, they say they can't forget.

"It's important. The situation shouldn't be forgotten. It should be talked about and figured out," said Iahyanay Griffin.

And Baltimore City police say Tuesday night's protests ended peacefully with no arrests.

Students used the #BaltimoreCitySitIn to share photos and video on social media.

Students sit-in at Western High School in Baltimore, Md. on Nov. 26, 2014. (photo credit: Moraa Nyamboga)

Some said the sit-in could make a difference and they are proud of the students:

See more photos from the sit-in below:

Similar protests also took place in Philadelphia, San Diego and New York. In Boston, 45 people were arrested in protests that drew more than a thousand demonstrators.

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