People Set Resolutions To Improve Health, Wealth In New Year

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Happy New Year, everyone.

Now that it's 2022, many of you are setting resolutions like getting back to the gym. Here are some of the best ways to make and maintain your goals this year.

Health, fitness, getting into a routine. Sound familiar? These are some of the most common New Year's resolutions year after year.

"It all starts up here," said Troy Robinson, sharing his New Year's resolution.

Robinson is at Planet Fitness seven days a week. He made this commitment to himself after losing his grandmother and his father two years apart.

"As I worked on my physical health, I also started working on my mental health," he said.

His resolution is inspired by his family.

"So, every day and every pound I lose, I feel like I'm prolonging my life and if I'm prolonging my life my children are going to have me longer," Robinson said.

Quintin Dailey, a fitness training support manager with Planet Fitness, said to start slow and increase the intensity over time.

"I'm going to raise those weights up," he said.

Quintin Dailey, a fitness training support manager with Planet Fitness, said to start slow and increase the intensity over time.

If you want to grab a pair of weights, great. If not, that's OK too.

"With New Year's resolutions, we want to see that in the sense of small wins that are going to compile into the big ones," Dailey said.

Other resolutions this year are professional ones.

"You know, we're here at work today so just kind of saving more, and kind of working through the pandemic, working as much as I can so I can get ready for those vacations after the pandemic," Breanna Wells said.

Said Noveen Alwan: "I think they give you more of like a goal and something to focus on and something to look forward to in the New Year."


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