Pasadena residents trying to return family photo lost during Eaton Fire

The effort to return a family photo lost during the Eaton Fire
The effort to return a family photo lost during the Eaton Fire

A lot has been lost in the wildfires, but some irreplaceable items have been found.

Cheryl Heuton found a family photo in her yard Saturday and ever since then, she's been trying to get it back in the family's hands.

When she first saw it, Heuton thought it was trash. But when Heuton turned it over, she realized it was a treasure.

She immediately thought it came from a home that was in the path of the Eaton Fire -- and also thought how much the family would love to have it back.

"My mother is 93 and all she likes to do now is go through old family photo albums," Heuton said. "So, I see lots of pictures like this of my family."

So, Heuton made it her mission to find them. She posted about it on all of her social media accounts.

"I thought maybe someone would immediately know who these people are, or they would recognize and spread the word," Heuton said.

Her posts got momentum fast, one of them was even shared by the media company Upworthy. Heuton was surprised so many people tried to help her.

"I thought maybe a few people would talk about it, but it kinda blew up," she said.

Heuton did end up getting a possible identification after someone on Facebook told her they used to babysit for the family.

After finding an email address and some of the possible family members's Facebook pages, she sent out messages. However, she still hasn't heard back from anyone.

As she tried to get the photo back, Heuton said she and her husband were trying to find other ways to help families impacted by the wildfires.

She said it was their turn to help.

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