'Not what this university will accept': Morgan State president condemns homecoming shooting with letter to community

'Not what this university will accept': Morgan State president condemns homecoming shooting with let
'Not what this university will accept': Morgan State president condemns homecoming shooting with let

BALTIMORE -- On homecoming night, shots were fired on the campus of Morgan State University.

A 20-year-old - not a student at the school - was injured Saturday night at a non-sanctioned homecoming party outside the university's Student Center.

Police responded and had a perimeter blocked by crime scene tape.

It was the second year in a row that homecoming at Morgan State University was marred by a shooting. An 18-year-old student was injured in a shooting on campus in 2021.

Morgan State President David K. Wilson wrote a stern letter to students, faculty, and those in the university's community, saying those actions are unacceptable.

"One thing that I can assure you right now is that what I've seen in the last two years is not what this university will accept," Wilson said in a letter.

20-year-old man shot at Morgan State University amid homecoming festivities
20-year-old man shot at Morgan State University amid homecoming festivities

Morgan State confirmed that more security was on campus because of the homecoming festivities.

Wilson also says the school will revisit plans in regards to safety for future homecomings.

"So, to those who are making their way to our homecomings with the wrong intentions—that is, to create trouble or to disrespect our grounds, you are NOT welcomed on our campus. We will NOT stand for anyone trashing our precious treasure," Wilson said.

Wilson went on the say that violence is not what Morgan State is about.

However, within the past year, there have been two homecoming shootings. Recently, a Morgan State University student was charged in the death of a 19-year-old security guard at an apartment complex near campus on Aug. 31.

"With all of the aforementioned quite evident and exemplary of the day's events, I was, however, dismayed by what was left in the aftermath," Wilson wrote. "Following the conclusion of all campus related activities at 7 p.m., what transpired as law enforcement worked to clear the campus, left a lot to be desired. Hearing of the grievous incident that occurred later in the evening, I returned to our beloved campus only to be greeted by the deplorable condition the grounds were left in. It was disappointing to witness the apparent acts of disrespect to our culture, our history and our traditions. This is not how one treats a National Treasure…this is not how Morgan State University deserves to be treated."

'It's sad': Shooting disrupts Morgan State homecoming for second-straight year

Wilson said Saturday's shooting and police activity soiled what was a successful homecoming day.

"Despite this, it is quite evident that some individuals are neither respecting our legacy, nor our hallowed grounds" Wilson said. "The amount of garbage strewn across the campus' landscape, despite having available receptacles for use throughout, was disheartening. On top of the conditions of the grounds was the unfortunate and unwelcomed news of a shooting on campus outside of the University Student Center. These things that occurred on our campus do not reflect the homecoming experience we wish to have affiliated with Morgan State University."

Here is the full letter written by Morgan State University President David K. Wilson:

"My Fellow Morgan Family,

"My message to you today is a very simple, but necessary and appropriate one—homecoming was a success in many regards. Throughout the day, old friendships were rekindled, and new ones were made, while positive vibes abounded as the smells of delicious food and sounds of pure homecoming joy filled the air. Our united—and very intentional—recommitment to the basic foundations and tenets of the true spirit of homecoming was on full display. Morgan orange and blue were ubiquitous. It brought joy to my heart and a smile to my face to witness tens of thousands of you with your families and loved ones in tow, taking it all in."

"With all of the aforementioned quite evident and exemplary of the day's events, I was, however, dismayed by what was left in the aftermath. Following the conclusion of all campus related activities at 7 p.m., what transpired as law enforcement worked to clear the campus, left a lot to be desired. Hearing of the grievous incident that occurred later in the evening, I returned to our beloved campus only to be greeted by the deplorable condition the grounds were left in. It was disappointing to witness the apparent acts of disrespect to our culture, our history and our traditions. This is not how one treats a National Treasure…this is not how Morgan State University deserves to be treated."

"We have invested and continue to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in capital resources to elevate our campus to preeminence. We have worked very hard to make our campus one that alumni and students can be proud of for generations to come. Despite this, it is quite evident that some individuals are neither respecting our legacy, nor our hallowed grounds. The amount of garbage strewn across the campus' landscape, despite having available receptacles for use throughout, was disheartening. On top of the conditions of the grounds was the unfortunate and unwelcomed news of a shooting on campus outside of the University Student Center. While this incident is under current investigation by the authorities, we can confirm that the individual injured in the incident was not a Morgan student. These things that occurred on our campus do not reflect the homecoming experience we wish to have affiliated with Morgan State University."

"Morgan's homecoming was designed to attract alumni, students, and friends back to campus to honor our National Treasure. It is not about the social media bragging rights that have engulfed the HBCU world about who has the most "lit" homecoming. This is not a space to which Morgan aspires. Instead, we aspire to lead the nation in who has the most dignified, respectful, and fun-filled homecoming "reunions" in the nation."

"So, to those who are making their way to our homecomings with the wrong intentions—that is, to create trouble or to disrespect our grounds, you are NOT welcomed on our campus. We will NOT stand for anyone trashing our precious treasure. The creation and sharing of knowledge, inspiring leaders, educating students and continuing to expand the Black middle class in this country—these are the pillars upon which we stand and balance the scales of generations of inequities. Any other foolishness will not be tolerated."

"You will be hearing more from me regarding my thinking as it relates to future homecomings. One thing that I can assure you right now is that what I've seen in the last two years is not what this university will accept."

"Rest assured, I know everyone who is receiving this email—like me—loves Morgan today, tomorrow and forever. In many respects, I know that I am preaching to the choir. Regardless of what you might experience elsewhere in our city, or in the city or community from which you hail, when you step onto the Morgan campus, it's a magical and transformational place. We expect you to treat it that way!"

"Today, I attended a memorial service on campus as part of our time-honored tradition of memorializing those Morganites (faculty, staff, alumni and students) who passed away last year. Later this evening I will conclude our homecoming activities by attending the University sponsorship of the Ravens football game, where our world-renowned Morgan Choir will sing the national anthem."

"I wish all of you safe travels and Godspeed."

"With utmost respect,

David K. Wilson,


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