Documentary celebrating Baltimore's hip-hop history to debut at Maryland Film Festival

Documentary celebrating Baltimore club music to debut at Maryland Film Festival

BALTIMORE --- The 25th annual Maryland Film Festival is underway. 

Friday night, a film documentary more than five years in the making will premiere. 

It celebrates hip hop history - in particular Baltimore Club music, the vibrant scene birthed here in Charm City.

And believe it or not, it is more than just the hype. 

"Baltimore club is really like the soundtrack to our city," said Baltimore music producer, arts advocate, and DJ, Marquis ' Mighty Mark' Gasque.

He calls it the heartbeat of Charm City.

"Baltimore club is feeling its war is gritty. It's in your face. It's an escape from your problems," said Mighty Mark. 

Baltimore entrepreneur and director Larry "Whaddup" Caudle is working to tell its story in his film – 'More Than Hype'

It's a project he began in 2017 alongside colleagues he met while on tour as a hype man.  

"I said you know what, let me stand on faith and get out there and tell the story," said Larry 'Whaddup' Caudle the director and executive producer of 'More Than Hype'. 

The Morgan State University graduate got his degree in social work and says he took the road less traveled, putting his degree and career as a hype man to work in a different way. 

"And that is exactly what I did socially working in my environment through this project that brings the community of Baltimore City together,"  Larry 'Whaddup' told WJZ.

From artists like Scottie B to Kevin Lyles, K Swift to Rod Lee, Caudle meshes the stories of the movers and shakers behind the Baltimore hip hop scene— from past to present.

"This film wasn't just about music. It was a social project, figuring out how to bring communities, people, businesses, organizations, and talent together," said Larry 'Whaddup'.

The film weaves together a personal story of the soundtrack of our city's,  all while finding a way to bridge the gap in a place with a solid but struggling music industry.

 "I wanted to empower the people, enlighten the people, and educate the people about our music," said Larry 'Whaddup'.

The film features music producer and art advocate Mighty Mark whose work has been featured in popular movies and shows like Insecure. 

 "I talked about Baltimore club music and how I'm trying to push the genre forward," said Mighty Mark. 

His work recently featured in an advertisement for the popular sports drink, Lucozade, in the United Kingdom. Mighty Mark worked on the track titled 'Roll Call' alongside artists TSU Terry and TT The Artist. 

"Good music is good music no matter what. If you're in Baltimore, if you're in London," said Mighty Mark. 

"I might have to do some other screenings and stuff in Baltimore but 3 in 1 I'm done now it's time to hit the road. We got to go," Larry 'Whaddup' explained. 

Larry 'Whaddup' told WJZ he could not have done this documentary with out the help of the artists, friends and family who helped make it happen. 

"Tell your stories and just don't keep that creativity bottled up because creativity helps heal the world," said Mighty Mark. 

Larry 'Whaddup' told WJZ he doesn't know when the next showing will be yet, but stay tuned. For now, he said follow him and "More Than Hype" on social media for any announcements. 

The Baltimore Club Music Day is on June 17. 

"They can use this sound they can. They should embrace the sound," Mighty Mark told WJZ. 

The Maryland Film Festival runs until May 5. For more information and other film showings, you can visit their website

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