Modern "Bonnie & Clyde" Caught After Allegedly Robbing Banks All Over East Coast
ABERDEEN, Md. (WJZ) -- A husband and wife accused of going on a crime spree were finally caught after robbing banks in several different states, including one in Maryland.
Linh Bui has more.
According to the Aberdeen police department, the robbery happened almost two weeks ago at the Bank of America on Beards Hill Road and an arrest warrant was issued for the husband.
Authorities say the couple was actually behind a string of crimes up and down the East Coast.
I-95 in Philadelphia was shut down Monday and traffic was stopped for miles as police surrounded a car moments after a high speed chase came to an end. Inside the car was Massachusetts couple Joseph and Jenny Carrier. They were wanted for bank robberies all along the East Coast.
They were finally busted in Philly Monday after allegedly robbing a bank in Wilmington that morning.
"It wasn't the way they lived. I don't know. They became a different person; I don't know what happened to them," said neighbor Barbara Scolaro.
Scolaro lives next doors to the Carriers in Quincy. She can't understand how this could happen and says the couple was just like everyone else.
"They seemed pretty normal," she said. "They were like everyone else."
But police say they robbed banks in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Maryland, with their seven small dogs in tow. They had been evading police for weeks---until now.
The chase on I-95 ended when the suspects collided with two police vehicles. No one was injured in the crash.
Officials in Massachusetts said the couple had been fighting a heroin addiction.