Spring cleanup crew beautifies Baltimore on Earth Day
BALTIMORE -- In celebration of Earth Day, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott and hundreds of volunteers sprang into action and cleaned up the city's communities.
Park Heights was just one of several communities around town where more than 200 volunteers did their part to beautify Baltimore.
Staff from the city's Department of Public Works participated, too.
"It's important for us to show up in a meaningful way, and that means getting up on a Saturday and doing our part to clean up," volunteer Hosanna Asfaw-Means said.
Volunteers cleared out walkways, alleyways, and curbsides—giving Baltimore's neighborhoods a fresh start on Earth Day.
"Especially on Earth Day, we should be making our city more beautiful, making the green pop a little bit more," volunteer Morgan Sumerville said. "You can see the plants coming alive a little more after we have removed the trash."