Developer seeks greenlight for controversial Maryland electrical grid project

Construction of controversial 70-mile powerline project hinges on Maryland permit
Construction of controversial 70-mile powerline project hinges on Maryland permit

BALTIMORE -- PSEG Renewable Transmission is officially seeking approval for the Piedmont Reliability Project, a controversial project that would construct a high-voltage transmission line in the state, the Maryland Public Service Commission said.

The New Jersey-based company applied for a permit to begin the construction of 70 miles of overhead 500,000-volt powerlines connecting an existing transmission line through parts of Baltimore, Carroll, and Frederick counties.

The Maryland Public Service Commission said the review process will include public hearings in the counties where the project is set to be constructed, and public comments can be submitted through their website.

"PSEG has applied for what is known as a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), which, if granted, authorizes an applicant to construct an energy generating station or high-voltage transmission line in Maryland," the MPSC said.

A spokesperson for PSEG said that the project is essential to support Maryland's growing electric needs and that the current electrical system is overloaded.

"We're hoping that the Public Service Commission does the right thing and they reject the application and send it back to PSEG for further review," Maryland Delegate Jesse Pippy said.

Environmental and property concerns

The project has become controversial among some Maryland residents and state leaders. 

Senator Chris West said legislation will be introduced in the 2025 session that will address the state's energy demands and seek to shut down the project. 

Some Maryland residents have expressed concern about the electrical grid project due to its potential negative impact on the environment and how it may impede personal property. 

"There has to be a better way," said Janet Stratton, a Hereford resident.

In August, some residents told WJZ they were concerned that the project would cut through family-owned farms

Maryland Delegate Jesse Pippy, who represents Frederick County, says that since the Piedmont Reliability Project was made public in June 2024, thousands of people have shared their complaints.

"This issue is of great concern to a significant amount of my constituents," Pippy said. "This project is unnecessary, it severely adversely impacts thousands and thousands of people. It's for the benefit of Virginia, not Maryland. The project itself is going to be paid for by Maryland ratepayers."

In November, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation said the project posed several risks to Maryland's habitat and water quality, damaging protected forests, nutrient-rich wetlands, and sources of clean water. 

"As the state moves towards a greener grid and electrification of appliances and cars, more power will be needed. However, the deforestation and environmental devastation required would contradict many of Maryland's climate change goals," the CBF said in a statement. "It is much more cost-effective to preserve high-quality waterways upfront than to try and restore streams and landscapes after devastation occurs."

After the CBF's statement, Governor Wes Moore spoke out, saying he had "grave concerns" about the project. 

Next steps for electrical grid project

Going forward, the commission will include public hearings in the counties where the project is set to be constructed. 

Public comments can be submitted through the MPSC website

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