Maryland Lawmakers Weigh In On Impeachment Of President Trump

WASHINGTON (WJZ) -- Maryland lawmakers on both sides of the aisle had a strong reaction to the House of Representatives' decision to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors, accusing him of betraying the country for his own political benefit and obstructing a congressional investigation into his actions.

Democratic Rep. John Sarbanes spoke on the floor during the impeachment debates.

"I rise today in support of the two articles of impeachment against President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress," he said. "In this sober and historic moment, members of Congress are called upon to uphold our oath of office to the Constitution. Today we answer that call."

Sarbanes said President Trump's actions, "compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of our democratic process."

Sarbanes was among other Maryland lawmakers who voted to impeach President Trump. In a statement, Sarbanes said, in part:

"Today, I voted to impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. This was a weighty decision. Impeachment is not something you reach for. It is something you are brought to – reluctantly – when the evidence presented can no longer be denied."

Democratic Maryland House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer published an Op-ed in the New York Times.

In the Op-ed, Hoyer said, in part: "Republicans of courage and conscience ought to join the Democrats who cast their votes for impeachment."

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Republican Rep. Andy Harris also spoke on the floor during the impeachment debates.

"The few Americans that are going to be watching this, they know what the outcome is, we all know what the outcome is," Harris said. "They're wondering why are we trying to negate the vote of 63 million Americans instead of talking about the things that Americans care about. The high cost of prescription drugs, the high cost of healthcare, securing our borders, keeping our economy going... these are the things we should be talking about. No, instead, we're going to pass this resolution tonight and then go home for Christmas vacation instead of doing the job of America."

Harris also posted a poll on Twitter and said that he is, "Proud to stand for my constituents and defend the President!"

After the vote, Harris said of the impeachment, in part:

"Today was a sad day for our republic and for our Constitution.  Congress passed the articles of impeachment on a purely partisan vote by Democrats – with no support from any Republicans and, in fact, opposition from some fair-minded Democrats.  This proves that this sham impeachment was a politically motivated attempt to remove President Trump from office despite the votes of 63 million Americans in the last election."

Senator Chris Van Hollen released a statement Wednesday shortly after the impeachment of President Trump saying, in part:

"Today is a somber day for our nation and for the Congress. Now that the House has completed its constitutional duty, impeachment will move to the Senate. As we go forward, it's up to the American people to demand a fair trial."

President Trump becomes just the third president in the 231-year history of the republic to be impeached, joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.

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