Hurricane preparedness: The things you don't want to forget with a hurricane on the way

Hurricane preparedness: The things you might forget with a hurricane on the way
Hurricane preparedness: The things you might forget with a hurricane on the way

When it comes to hurricane preparedness, some things are just easy common sense. For instance, make sure you've got some matches so you can light a candle or a grill. 

But there are some items you might not think about until it's too late.

Marty spoke with Vince Ayd, of Ayd Hardware in Towson, about a plethora of things to check off the list when a major storm comes your way. 

Ayd said flashlight batteries, mobile chargers and a generator are essentials, but there's much more. 

Have you checked if the fuel in your garage is good? What about if your sump pump is working? 

From power to mosquitoes, Ayd brings up a slew of things to think about so you can stay safe, prepared and maybe even comfortable.  

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