Garceau: Spike Lee Goes Kap-Fishing

Film director Spike Lee has gone fishing but caution before you take the bait.

Spike and controversial quarterback Colin Kaepernick recently got together for lunch and shortly after Lee went Instagram questioning why his friend hasn't found a new team in the NFL.

Here's Spike's post:

Spike's right, every year the Jets are wanting at quarterback. Many thought it stunk to the high heavens last season when Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem others saw him as a leader igniting discussion on social inequality. Call me naïve, but I'm not sure any of this really matters from a football standpoint.

Hey Spike, does it smell MAD Fishy to you that Nick Mangold, Adrian Peterson, Jamaal Charles, LeGarrette Blount (set a Patriots record for rushing TD's) and Jay Cutler haven't found teams yet? The calendar shows we've got more than 5 months until we kickoff the NFL season.

This is an annual process, some teams will address quarterback needs in next month's draft, others might consider trading for a Tony Romo or Jimmy Garoppolo and some will seek free agents like Kaepernick and Cutler.

My hunch it breaks down something like this, there are owners who don't agree with Kaepernick's politics and simply don't want him on their team. There's another group of owners who don't mind his politics but are reluctant to mess with business by adding a player who might upset $$sponsors and $$fans.

Then there's the football side where coaches and GM's either have the position covered or don't think Kap is their answer. That doesn't mean he won't find work, there are teams needy at quarterback and I expect one of them to sign him. It may not be a starting job, perhaps a chance to compete for a starting position or be that backup QB just a few bad games away from replacing a shaky starter.

He's 29 not 39 and the Kaepernick camp has said he'll stand for the national anthem this coming season. If he doesn't have a job when the season kicks off I agree it'll smell MAD Fishy, but I suspect Kaepernick will be employed next season and Spike can get back to fixing his long suffering New York Knicks.

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