Community MVP: BKS Wholeness is helping Baltimore City Schools students

Community MVP: BKS Wholeness is helping Baltimore City Schools students

BALTIMORE -- Kenji Jackson is a father, a former educator, and an author who is looking to improve the lives of young people in Baltimore and around the country.

Jackson runs an organization called BKS Wholeness, which was conceived during his time at Morgan State University. At that time, it stood for Best Kept Secret. Over time, the meaning of the acronym changed to "building knowledge and success."

Jackson said he dropped out of high school and obtained his GED after he had been expelled several times. He grew up in the Bronx and applied to Morgan State University because he had heard that their acceptance process was a little more forgiving.

"I got a big manilla envelope from Morgan State University accepting me and they accepted me because of my essay," he said. "I was just very honest in the essay that I needed somebody to give me a second chance."

Jackson's organization started out with two programs in Baltimore City Schools and has since expanded to six programs.

"We combine student activities with a program that invites the fathers into the building, and while I have them, we talk about life skills, improving as fathers, improving as men," he said.

Jackson doesn't want to condone men for what they're not doing but instead support fathers who are active in their children's lives.

Jackson writes children's books with relatable content and characters that appeal to underrepresented children, too.

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