Baltimore's Most Powerful Employers Pledge To Improve The City

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- A new effort to boost Baltimore's economic growth. The mayor announces a new action plan that brings together the city's most powerful employers.

Monique Griego has more on what they will focus on.

The leaders of some of the most powerful institutions in Baltimore are all signing a new pledge to the city.

"This is the first time in any coordinated way our agencies have met with our anchor institutions toward a common vision," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said.

The mayor unveiled the Baltimore City Anchor Plan, or BCAP, Wednesday. It brings together the heads of some of the city's largest employers. All have vowed to share ideas and information to improve the city in four key categories--public safety, local hiring, local purchasing and quality of life.

"In order to maximize the potential for growth in our city, I knew we had to come together in a more coordinated vision," the mayor said.

Johns Hopkins Hospital and university, Coppin State and Loyola are just a few of the institutions on the list.

"We're all fighting the same challenges," said Dr. Samuel Ross, CEO, Bon Secours Hospital.

Ross says as part of BCAP, he's already met with local law enforcement.

"To help them with training around how do you handle behavioral health patients," he said.

The end goal is in line with the mayor's ultimate plan--to bring new residents into the city and have others stay.

"The Charm City component is about the beauty of all of our neighborhoods. But if we can work together more effectively across neighborhoods, we really get better outcomes and make it a stronger community, make it a stronger city," said Ross.

The city and the anchor institutions started meeting about a year ago to come up with the plan.

The group will meet quarterly to go over their action plans.

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