Baltimore City in Code Blue Extreme Cold Season through March 2025, health department says

Baltimore leaders prepare for frigid weather

BALTIMORE -- Code Blue Extreme Cold Season has begun in Baltimore City and will continue through March 15, 2025, according to the city's health department.

What is a Code Blue Extreme Cold Alert?

Code Blue Extreme Cold alerts are issued when cold weather conditions that pose a risk to public safety are forecasted.

During the Cold Season, the city is prepared to take action to protect the safety of residents, including older adults, those experiencing homelessness and others who are vulnerable to cold weather.

The alert triggers a multi-agency effort to reduce hypothermia cases by offering resources and providing residents with a warm and safe place to stay. During the season, agencies work together to increase capacity at homeless shelters, distribute meals to at-risk older adults and help residents apply for energy assistance.

The following criteria must be met to initiate the alert: 

  • Temperatures, including wind chill, are expected to be 13˚F or below. This threshold can be reached by having a temperature at or below 20˚F with 5 mph sustained winds or a temperature at or below 25˚F with 15 mph sustained winds.
  • Other conditions (e.g., strong winds, extended period of cold, sudden cold after a warm period) deemed by the Health Commissioner to be severe enough to present a substantial threat to the life or health of vulnerable Baltimore citizens.

During Code Blue seasons, city agencies work to increase capacities at homeless shelters and extend shelter hours, distribute meals to at-risk older adults, provide home weatherization services, help individuals apply for energy assistance, and provide cold weather education. 

"There's also energy assistance for folks who are concerned about their energy bills this winter and how they're going to make ends meet," said Kim Eshleman, the Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response in the Baltimore City Health Department. "So we want to spread the word about these resources and make sure people know how to access them."

Assistance for residents 

  • For energy assistance, residents can call 410-396-5555 or visit the Energy Assistance Program Website.
  • Older adults or caregivers can call Maryland Access Point at 410-396-CARE for assistance completing and mailing energy assistance applications    
  • The Weatherization Assistance Program helps reduce energy expenses by performing a full energy usage assessment and installing energy-conservation measures in a resident's home. You can call 410-396-3023 or visit the Weatherization Assistance Program website to see if you are eligible. 
  • Residents can call 311 or 211 or other cold-related inquiries and requests, including homeless shelter locations. 

"Baltimore winters are known for being cold, windy and snowy, so we believe it's vitally important that our most vulnerable residents are properly supported when we experience extreme winter weather," Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said. "My administration is prepared to offer assistance during Code Blue Extreme Cold events, and we encourage people to reach out immediately if they find themselves or someone they know in such need to be connected with the resources available through the City."  

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