Baltimore County's Limited Reopening: Retail Stores Curbside Pickup Allowed, Religious Institutions, Personal Services Remain Closed

TOWSON, MD. (WJZ) -- Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. said in an announcement Thursday that the county cannot fully move into stage one of Gov. Hogan's reopening plan.

"Baltimore County must continue to do what is in the best interest of our communities with the health and safety of our residents at the top of our list," He said.

Until further notice, personal service establishments including barbershops, nail salons and hair salons will remain closed, religious institutions cannot do services indoors and the 10 or more people restrictions will remain in place.

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Retail stores will be allowed to open for curbside pickup and delivery only, no in-person retail will be allowed except the essentials under Gov. Hogan's previous orders.

The majority of manufacturing facilities in the county will remain open. Malls must stay closed.


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"I recognize that these announcements will not be welcoming news for everyone," He said.

Residents are asked to stay home when they can and maintain six feet of distance from each other while wearing masks.

"These are the times that challenge us as people," He added.

Baltimore City is also not fully reopening its jurisdiction, maintaining its stay-at-home order.

"I don't feel comfortable sending residents including young children and older adults back out into the public and this time," Mayor Jack Young announced. "Today I'm announcing that Baltimore city will keep this local stay at home order in effect."

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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