Baltimore City Schools Launch Summer Meal Program
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Baltimore City Public Schools is providing free meals to children as part of the Summer Food Service Program, which started June 16.
Meals are available to anyone 18 or under or to those over 18 with a mental or physical disability who participates during the school year in a public or private non-profit school program.
The initiative is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and runs Monday through Thursday from June 16, 2022 – August 18, with some sites operating on Fridays.
To find a meal serving site near you, visit the district's website.
To become a meal serving site, apply online or download an application form. Any non-profit organization, church, day camp, community group, or city agency can qualify to become an SFSP site, the city said.
Last year, City Schools said it sponsored 161 sites and served a total of 613,273 meals as part of the Summer Food Service Program.