Foods to Curb Your Appetite
An orange is one of the most satisfying grabs from the fruit bowl thanks to all that fiber. Oranges were the highest-ranked fruit on the "satiety index," a list of 38 filling foods put together by Australian researchers. And fiber fights fat: people who eat more fiber have less flab.
Foods that Help You Eat Less
Three times as filling as a slice of white bread, potatoes top all of the foods on the satiety index. Plus, the resistant starch in potatoes help your body burn fat, too.
Potatoes at Work
Foods that Help You Eat Less
Goat Cheese
Feta Cheese
A Filling Spring Salad
Pienuts have 95 calories for 1/2 ounce (about 84 nuts). The heart-healthy fatty acids in pine nuts boost satiety hormones that make you feel full, according to Korean researchers. The same fatty acids also keep belly fat at bay, according to Largeman-Roth.
An Egg a Day
She recommended eating eggs for breakfast to help curb your appetite through the day.
She said, "You'll have about 330 calories less than usual."
Best Egg-pectations
Check out the recipe for this dish here.
Foods that Help You Eat Less
Skim Milk
Dark Chocolate
According to research from the University of Copenhagen, if you eat dark chocolate, you'll eat less at your next meal because compounds in chocolate slow down digestion and make you feel full longer.
A small piece of chocolate (aim for the size of a business card) can also curb your cravings for salty, sweet, and fatty foods.
Foods that Help You Eat Less