Most people do their best to trim fat off their ham. In Mississippi, they like the "fatback" left in place. Talk about pigging out! More than one in three adults in Mississippi are obese, making this the fattest state in the land.
2. (tie) Alabama: Spare Ribs
They love their spare ribs in Alabama, which is tied as America's second-fattest state. What's the best time to fire up the grill? Anytime you can find matches and lighter fluid. Don't forget the marinade! Thirty-two percent of adults in Alabama are obese.
3. (tie) Tennessee: Fried Chicken
KFC may have gotten its start in Kentucky, but fried yard bird is also a favorite in Tennessee. And what's better than fried chicken? Fried chicken with fries! Thirty-two percent of adults in Tennessee are obese.
4. West Virginia: Pepperoni Rolls
Some people want whole wheat in their bread. In West Virginia, they want pepperoni and more pepperoni. Speaking of fatty sausages, 31 percent of adult West Virginians are obese.
5. Louisiana: Po' Boy Sandwich
Louisiana is famous for fatty food, and few things say flab more than a New Orleans po' boy sandwich. Well, maybe a po' boy, gumbo, and a fried beignet doughnut. In po' Louisiana, the fifth-fattest state, 31 percent of adults are obese.
6. Oklahoma: Chicken-Fried Steak
Got steak? Why grill when you can make like an Oklahoman and bread it, fry it, and douse it with sauce? Oklahoma, O.K. The sixth-fattest state, Oklahoma has an adult obesity rate of 31 percent.
7. Kentucky: Hot Brown
The hot brown was born in Kentucky, and it remains a favorite there. What is it, you ask? Why, it's an open-faced turkey sandwich, smothered with sauce and baked to crispy, fatty perfection. In Kentucky, 31 percent of adults are obese.
8. Arkansas: Fried Catfish
Grilled fish is healthy, sure. But in Arkansas, they fry their catfish and serve it with a side of hush puppies - a.k.a. fried batter. No wonder the state mascot is a hog. Arkansas is the eighth-fattest state, with 30 percent of its adults obese. Go hogs!
9. South Carolina: Turducken
In South Carolina, you don't have to be a poultraholic to love turducken - a Frankenstein-esque meat dish custom-fabricated from turkey, duck and chicken, sometimes topped with bacon. They love their turducken in South Carolina, the ninth-fattest state.
10. (tie) Michigan: Coney Island Hot Dog
Hot dogs are fatty enough without toppings. In Michigan, they like their dogs smothered with fatty meat chili. The result is called a Coney Island, but there's nothing amusing about what it can do to your waistline. The only top-10 finisher outside of Dixie, Michigan has an adult obesity rate of 29 percent.
10. (tie) North Carolina: Livermush
What could you possibly do with pig liver, head parts and a little cornmeal? In North Carolina, they mix it together - and voila! Livermush. So appetizing and so healthy - not. In North Carolina, 29 percent of adults are obese.