Police announced on April 2, 2004, that they do not believe the story of Wisconsin student Audrey Seiler, who claimed she was kidnapped at knife-point. Here, Noble Wray, assistant police chief in Madison, Wis., addresses a news conference regarding her alleged abduction.
Audrey Ruth Seiler, 20, is shown in this undated family photo. Seiler of Rockford, Minn., is a student at the University of Wisconsin. She was seen leaving a Madison apartment building March 27, 2004, then was missing until she was discovered alive March 31.
Stephanie Seiler, center left, mother of missing University of Wisconsin student Audrey Seiler, reacts to the news from Madison Police officer Jane Lombardo, center right, that her daughter has been found alive and well March 31, 2004. Stephanie Seiler's mother Jodie Dale, left, and family friend Lori Lipinski, right, also react to the news.
Keith and Stephanie Seiler talk about the finding of their daughter, Audrey, at a news conference, March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis.
Stephanie Seiler, mother of Audrey Seiler, is shown at a news conference at St Mary's Hospital March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis.
Assistant Police Chief Noble Wray of the Madison Police Department makes opening statements at a news conference at St. Mary's Hospital March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis. Seated at the table are Audrey Seiler's parents, Keith and Stephanie Seiler, and Audrey's brother, Kyle Seiler.
Dr. Philip Shultz speaks at a news conference regarding the condition of Audrey Seiler March 31, 2004, at St. Mary's Hospital in Madison, Wis. He said Seiler was cold and dehyrated when she was brought to the hospital. She was released after being there less than six hours. Schultz said Seiler also had muscle aches from being confined.
A young girl looks at her candle during a candlelight celebration March 31, 2004, in Rockford, Minn., outside the home of missing college student Audrey Seiler who was found alive earlier that day.
Audrey Heins, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, calls her classmates to give them the news about Audrey Seiler being found March 31, 2004, from a Madison, Wis., hotel where the search party was staying. Heins said she has known Seiler since kindergarten and the two grew up playing sports together.
Bryce Stassen, 8, a neighbor of Audrey Seiler's family, attaches a yellow bow to a large tree in the Seilers' yard in Rockford, Minn., with the help of his grandmother, Gayle Stassen, March 31, 2004. Friends gathered to decorate the Seilers' front yard after Audrey was found alive and healthy.
Madison police officers use a dog to search an area near the place where a missing University of Wisconsin student Audrey Seiler was found alive earlier in the day Wednesday, March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis.
A Madison police officer searches under a car in an area near the place where Audrey Seiler was found earlier in the day March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis.
Audrey Seiler's great-aunt Carol Bohanon, back, is hugged in Rockford, Minn., March 31, 2004, by the Seiler family's neighbor, Mariann Kraft, as Bohanon rushed to the family home in Rockford after hearing the news that Seiler had been found. Neighbors Breanna, 4, and her brother Bryce Stassen, 8, watch as they assist Kraft with decorating the sign made by Rockford Fire and Rescue.
Stephanie Jones, front, and Connie Anderson, both of Rockford, Minn., hug each other with joy March 31, 2004, in Madison, Wis., after police announced Audrey Seiler was found alive and healthy in a marsh near campus. The two women were among several people from Audrey's hometown who came to Madison to help with the search.
Two young boys warm their hands over a candle during a candlelight celebration outside of the home of Audrey Seiler March 31, 2004, in Rockford, Minn. Seiler was found alive and healthy earlier in the day in a marsh near the Madison, Wis. campus, four days after she vanished from her nearby apartment with no coat or purse.
A girl holds a candle and a yellow rose with others gathered outside the home of Audrey Seiler in Rockford, Minn., March 31, 2004, to give thanks and celebrate the safe return of Seiler.