Alcoholic Caffeinated Drinks: Good Time or Bad Brews?
The FDA has had the drink on its radar since 2009, when it asked its maker, Phusion Projects, and 30 other manufacturers to prove their drinks are safe.
So far the agency hasn't ruled. In the meantime, here are the 40 plus products that mix booze and caffeine that are on the FDA's list.
Belvedere IX
Company: Moet Hennessey/Millennium Import LLC
Liquid Charge
Company: Charge Beverages Corp.
Company: United Brands Company Inc.
Company: Point Blank Beverages
Hard Wired
Company: Hard Wired Brewing Company, LLC
Company: Catalyst Beverage Company
Company: New Century Brewing Company
Four Loko
Company: Phusion Projects LLC
Evil Eye
Company: Melanie Brewing Co
Smirnoff Raw Tea Malt Beverage
Company: Diageo North America, Inc
Wide Eye Schnapps
Company: Constellation Brands
P.I.N.K. Vodka
Company: The P.I.N.K. Spirits Company/Prohibition Beverage Inc
Lotus Vodka
Company: Delicious Brands Inc.
3AM Vodka
Company: Sovereign Brands
Gravity Vodka
Company: Shotpak Vodka
V2 Vodka with Caffeine, Everglo Vodka
Company: Wingard USA (Importer)
Vicious Vodka with Caffeine
Company: LeVecke Corporation
808 Mango Beat
Company: 808 Spirits Co.
Booya Espresso Silver Tequila with Caffeine
Company: Gaamm Imports Inc.
Ithaca Eleven Malt Beverage with Coffee
Company: Ithaca Beer Co.
Agwa De Bolivia
Company: MHW, Ltd and Niche Import Company