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Where's Maddie?

"I never in a million years thought it could have been Madeleine. ... It was just complete shock and complete horror that I might have seen Madeleine being abducted," says Jane Tanner, one of the McCanns' dinner companions the night of Madeleine's disappearance, in her first public interview on 48 Hours Mystery reported by correspondent Peter Van Sant.

In this exclusive interview, Tanner, one of the McCanns' friends and dinner companions at The Tapas Restaurant the night of Maddie's disappearance, describes catching a glimpse of an oddly dressed man carrying a child. "I just saw somebody walking across the top of the road…that person was carrying a child," she recounts. "I could tell it was a child…I could see the pajamas and the feet." Tanner initially thought nothing of it, but is now certain that she saw the abduction in progress.

Tanner goes on to say that she told police what she saw that same night. "As soon as the police arrived, they were brought to the apartment and I told them what I'd seen…And then the CID (Criminal Investigative Department) people arrived a little later I again told them exactly what I'd seen."

Her description even led to an artist's rendering distributed by the family a month ago.

Tanner strongly supports the McCanns, saying they had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance, "We know Kate and Gerry well. We know that there's no way that what the media are saying is true. It's just madness."

Francisco Marco, a Spanish private investigator hired by a supporter of the McCanns, expresses a similar sentiment, claiming to have answers the whole world has been waiting for. "We're 100 percent sure that she is alive. We are sure she was abducted. We are very, very close to finding the kidnapper."

In addition to these explosive revelations, 48 Hours has acquired information from a highly placed source in the investigation who discloses that Portuguese police are now not investigating homicide by Kate and Gerry McCann as a possibility. 48 Hours has also learned from police sources that the DNA is inconclusive and will not solve this case. 48 Hours also went undercover, hiring top U.S. private investigator Joseph Moura, who has handled cases in Portugal. Moura unearthed eyewitness accounts that contradict both the local investigators' and the McCanns' versions of the events of May 3.

What really happened the night Madeleine McCann vanished? Are the McCanns and their friends telling the entire truth? Are authorities close to catching someone?

This 48 Hours report was prepared in cooperation with the BBC and Portugal's SIC television.
Produced By Doug Longhini, Joe Halderman, Liza Finley, Avi Cohen, Patti Aronofsky and Peter Henderson

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