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The Early Show's digital experience has just taken a giant leap forward.

You're on our brand new Web site. Welcome!

We'll continue to bring you details and insight on breaking news and trends, and all you need to know to make your life a little easier and richer -- and we'll do it on a Web site where things are much easier to find, and one loaded with photos, videos, interactive features and frequent Webcasts.

Check back on a regular basis for all you've gotten used to from us and much more, from CBS News correspondents and Early Showcontributors such as Dr. Jennifer Ashton, Ray Martin, Vera Gibbons, Dr. Debbye Turner, Susan Koeppen, Bobby Flay and Hattie Kauffman.

Take a look: Want tips on handling you money? Find them here. On staying healthy? They're here. That recipe you just have to have? Complicated new technology-made-easy? Word on staying stylish? The latest on your favorite celebrities? All at your fingertips on our new site.

And we're not resting on our laurels. We'll keep getting better, adding features.

All that to enhance your enjoyment of America's fastest growing network news broadcast, The Early Show.

Let us know what you think of our new site! We're eager to hear from you.

And all of is sporting a new look -- so take a look!:

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